Hello! No Ripping !

Friday, September 26, 2008 '
To Friend
An ultimate one...
I miss you.

Sunday, September 7, 2008 '
Good Ol' Days

Make a smart guess...
Where's this place?
About 6 months ago, Crystal, SL n I went there to see exhibition.
But there was no free admission yet...
Now! NUS students can access it for free*

National Museum.

I had my first new MnM small group at National Museum.
We visited the Singapore Living - Food section.
Reminiscing how food was like in the past. No food tasting yea...

My favourite is the Hokkien Mee wrapped in the special white palm leaves.
Hard to find it now.
Lamer, no more Hokkien mee in palm leaves for 8 months. =(

Anyway, back to the museum
The display of spices (Star anise, coconut, cinnamon, wolfberry seeds)
You can actually smell some of them by pulling a metal ring.
MJ n I pulled so hard that the ring came off. lol...
but we managed to fix them back =)

I think I have olfactory problem...
I can't smell them =( until I pulled the ring out!
Since it's the mooncake season... Some mooncakes moulds for you.
my another favourite "peng kueh" and "kueh bahulu" mould.
"ang ku kueh" mould also..

Satay anyone??

This is the kueh tu tu tricycle!

Soft drinks glass bottles!

I have one at home. but fake one!

There are many for sections that are free for NUS students...
Fashion, Wayang, Film, etc...
Do visit!

Monday, September 1, 2008 '
Oh... Happy Teachers' Day to Me
Surprise! Surprise!
My tutee gave me Teachers' Day present. That's sweet =)

Actually... I was thinking which student will be so sweet to give me Teachers' Day present a few days before 1st Sep.
That's quite a greedy thought. hee..

What came as a surprise was from the tutee whom I was so fed up with the previous lesson.
This is the whole scenario:

I was teaching her on Magnetism; the simple rule that many of us knew...
"Like poles repel."

So I broke the words up and explained the meanings separately first.
"Like" means the same. As we always casually say "like the same."
"Repel" means move apart.

So I asked after the explanation...
"What is like?"
Ans: "Light" shines and we can see.


I repeated the whole explanation again....
So I asked after the explanation...
"What are like poles?"
Ans: "Lamp posts"


I must say that I'm very PO at that moment.
I repeated the whole explanation again...
So I asked after the explanation...
"What does it mean by like poles repel?"

Ans: "I saw a dinosaur chasing after my principal"


oh well... just for laughs...


Child of God
15 December
22 December 2008
13 July 2008
The Hybrid
NUS FoS Chemistry

Good Food
HK Dramas

Stronger Faith
Soften Hearts
Better Health
Commencement 2010
Good Time Management

Khalil Fong - Orange Moon
Basecode: shatter%
Picture: gilter graphic